Live Trading for a big winner on Gold

Created: 17th February 2021

People are often asking me to call a live trade in our free introductory events, and whilst that isn’t the purpose of these screenshare sessions, it is something that I like to do from time to time.

This week, I was teaching the merits of the 4-hour timeframe, which I consider extremely underrated by many home traders.

During the workshop, I also explained some of the details for my 4-hour chart strategy called S4. It is looking at turning points that are confirmed by strong trends.

I ran the Trendsignal scanning tool which identified Gold as an upcoming opportunity that would be triggering in the next few minutes.

The trade was confirmed at 2pm on Tuesday, and has since gone on to fall over 200 points. Please see the chart below:

This is a great example of a Short trade, inline with the dominant trends of the market.

Looking at the Annotations on the chart, we can see the “Sell trade” was inline with a down trend on the Daily (DT) and Weekly (WT) timeframes, a descending chart pattern (CP) and the intermediate trend (orange line).

It was showing all the hallmarks of a strong continuance of an established downtrend. And here we are now, some 200 points lower.

This is a great trade, but it wasn’t the only popular market to trigger an opportunity that day.

This chart on EUR/USD shows another short opportunity, triggering at 6pm. Again, this reversal and turn lower is supported by a down trend on the Weekly timeframe and the intermediate trend too. In addition, the RED arrow gives a clear marker for some of our favourite 4-hour chart opportunities, which works as a great confidence builder for new traders.

Yes, this hasn’t moved to the same extent as Gold, but with a tighter stop, the potential gain is arguably even more attractive.

What is S4

The S4 strategy is a part of the Trendsignal plus training programme, and compliments the once-a-day strategies that are also available on the course. It can be applied to FX, Indices and Commodities to help identify Long and Short opportunities, with a typical trade duration of 4 hours to 3 days – ideal for a second income and those with limited time to analyse charts.

The Trendsignal Plus Course is available now for purchase and includes strategies, scanning tools, comprehensive training and live coaching. Call +44 (0)1234 757553 if you are interested in enrolling.

Happy trading

Adrian Buthee
Head of Trading